
class srlearn.rdn.BoostedRDNClassifier(background=None, target='None', n_estimators=10, node_size=2, max_tree_depth=3, neg_pos_ratio=2, solver=None)[source]

Relational Dependency Networks Estimator

Wrappers around BoostSRL for learning and inference with Relational Dependency Networks written with a scikit-learn-style interface derived from sklearn.base.BaseEstimator

Similar to sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier, this builds a model by fitting a series of regression trees.


>>> from srlearn.rdn import BoostedRDNClassifier
>>> from srlearn import Background
>>> from srlearn.datasets import load_toy_cancer
>>> train, test = load_toy_cancer()
>>> bk = Background(modes=train.modes)
>>> dn = BoostedRDNClassifier(background=bk, target="cancer")
BoostedRDNClassifier(background=setParam: numOfClauses=100.
setParam: numOfCycles=100.
usePrologVariables: true.
setParam: nodeSize=2.
setParam: maxTreeDepth=3.
mode: friends(+Person,-Person).
mode: friends(-Person,+Person).
mode: smokes(+Person).
mode: cancer(+Person).
, n_estimators=10, neg_pos_ratio=2, solver='BoostSRL', target='cancer')
>>> dn.predict(test)
array([ True,  True,  True, False, False])
__init__(background=None, target='None', n_estimators=10, node_size=2, max_tree_depth=3, neg_pos_ratio=2, solver=None)[source]

Initialize a BoostedRDN

backgroundsrlearn.background.Background (default: None)

Background knowledge with respect to the database

targetstr (default: “None”)

Target predicate to learn

n_estimatorsint, optional (default: 10)

Number of trees to fit

node_sizeint, optional (default: 2)

Maximum number of literals in each node.

max_tree_depthint, optional (default: 3)

Maximum number of nodes from root to leaf (height) in the tree.

neg_pos_ratioint or float, optional (default: 2)

Ratio of negative to positive examples used during learning.

estimators_array, shape (n_estimators)

Return the boosted regression trees

feature_importances_array, shape (n_features)

Return the feature importances (based on how often each feature appears)

Examples using srlearn.rdn.BoostedRDNClassifier

Estimating Feature Importance

Estimating Feature Importance

Estimating Feature Importance


Family Relationships Domain

Family Relationships Domain

Family Relationships Domain