srlearn API¶

Core Classes¶

These classes form the set of core pieces for describing the data, providing background knowledge, and learning.

Database() Database of examples and facts.
Background(*[, modes, ok_if_unknown, â€¦]) Background Knowledge for a database.
rdn.BoostedRDNClassifier([background, â€¦]) Relational Dependency Networks Estimator
rdn.BoostedRDNRegressor([background, â€¦]) Relational Dependency Networks Regressor

Data Sets¶

There are some toy datasets built into the srlearn package. For more datasets, see the relational-datasets package.

datasets.load_toy_cancer() Load and return the Toy Cancer dataset.
datasets.load_toy_father() Load and return the Toy Father dataset.

Plotting and Visualization¶

These may be helpful for visualizing trees.

plotting.export_digraph(booster[, â€¦]) Create a digraph representation of a tree.
plotting.plot_digraph(dot_string[, format]) Plot a digraph as an image.


Some of these are for behind-the-scenes operations, but tend to be useful for further development (contributions are welcome!).

base.BaseBoostedRelationalModel(*[, â€¦]) Base class for deriving boosted relational models
system_manager.FileSystem() BoostSRL File System
system_manager.reset([soft]) Reset the FileSystem

Deprecated boostsrl objects¶

This is the old API style that has been deprecated. It is no longer tested or actively developed and is pending removal in 0.6.0.

srlearn.boostsrl (Deprecated) boostsrl class for training and testing.