

Reset the FileSystem

In some circumstances, a FileSystem object may not properly clean up temporary files on object deallocation. This function performs a hard reset by explicitly removing the directory tree from the operating system.

soft : bool (Default: False)

A soft reset reports the contents without removing.

results : list

A “soft reset” returns a list of the contents. A “hard reset” returns an empty list.


Since the FileSystem object reads and writes from a location alongside the package, these files are also removed when the package is uninstalled. But uninstalling and reinstalling is overkill when a solution like this is available.


This method has a few uses. This could be used for cleaning up your operating system in the event of failure. It could be a shorthand method for triggering behavior when the data directory is/not empty. Or the obvious case where you need to ensure temporary files are gone.

  1. Use a “soft reset” to list contents without removing:
$ python -c "from srlearn import system_manager; print(system_manager.reset(soft=True))"
['data0', 'data1']
  1. Trigger conditional behavior. Here we report that the directory is empty.
>>> from srlearn import system_manager
>>> if not system_manager.reset(soft=True):   # doctest: +SKIP
...     print("Currently Empty")
Currently Empty
  1. Use a hard reset to remove any temporary files.
>>> from srlearn import system_manager
>>> system_manager.reset()   # doctest: +SKIP